1. Use a power strip to plug your electronic devices in, and then turn off the strip when you’re not using it so you can save on your energy costs.
2. Do not keep your home electronic devices in standby mode. This is an energy vampire.
3. Find TVs that contain the Energy Star-qualified label. This equipment increases energy efficiency up to 30% more than models that aren’t certified.
4. Consider buying a laptop instead of purchasing a desktop computer. The former use less energy than the latter.
5. Put your computer on hibernate or sleep mode in place of using screen savers. This utilizes less energy during inactive periods.
6. When your batteries are fully charged, unplug the battery chargers. Some chargers will use power continuously, meaning that they may be using energy even when you don’t have a device plugged into it.
7. Install high-performance films, screens, and windows. These devices can protect your artwork, wood, and upholstery from the UV rays and also save you energy.
8. When you shop for new windows, look for the National Fenestration Rating Council label. This means that you’re buying a window that is certified for performance.
9. Apply reflective coating to your AC to reduce the strain. Doing so will enable you to save by preventing excess heat from entering your property.
10. Invest in a reflective roof to prevent heat build-up. Reflective roofs will also prevent unwanted expansion and contraction that can result in degrading. Also be sure that the roof has an Energy Star label. This will ensure that you save energy, which will be less taxing on you financially while also protecting the environment.
11. Get a more cost-effective rate on your energy services by finding retailers that offer reasonable prices. You can use a source like Compare Texas Energy Providers to carefully analyze the different rates charged by various companies.
Let The Savings Begin
When you’re ready to start saving on your energy bill, the strategies outlined here can assist you in the process. By utilizing these energy-saving tips on a regular basis, you’ll find that your monthly bill starts to decrease and you can then devote your money to other things that will improve the quality of your life!