Women entrepreneurs are causing quite the scene, and it’s not just here in America. Their ideas and businesses have so much potential, in fact, that Google recently launched the Women Entrepreneurs on the Web (WEOW) initiative. The program is currently targeted at International women entrepreneurs, helping them to grow the online presence of their business. As part of the program, the women learn how to network, collaborate effectively, connect with customers, promote their organization, and track and optimize their efforts. Forbes coined this as a new form of SEO…search entrepreneur optimization.
The pilot program for these international women entrepreneurs was launched in February in India. According to their press release, Google created this because they “realized that [women] were true entrepreneurs who were not afraid to try new things, yet many were unaware of various products that can be used to leverage the full potential of the Internet… The large number of women entrepreneurs in India made it a natural decision for us to pilot this initiative.”
WEOW is giving women in developing and rural communities the opportunity to scale their businesses through online networking and marketing. By giving them the tools to create a website and launch social media pages, these women have the chance to truly make an impact. It’s even more accessible because it is free; the only charge occurs if the woman chooses to buy the domain name (a process which Google would help facilitate).
It will be interesting to see what happens with the initiative after the pilot program has been around for a while. Would this model work here in the United States?