Six Ways of Creating Brand Loyalty
1. Be the best in your chosen field. Doing the best that you can might not make you number 1 in your industry. However, assessing your performance and actually doing better than before based on customer/opinion leaders’ feedback will place you in this top position or at least closer than you might imagine. Also, being the best is about improving on your performance and not resting on past glories. There will always be room for improvement.
2. Deliver. One aspect of brand loyalty or that is critical to its success is when you are able to deliver on your brand promise. Credibility breeds trust. Doing otherwise is giving customers the opportunity to consider the opposition (competitors). Now continuously delivering on your promise will be as a result of constant practice.
3. Belonging. Creating a community that your customers will identify with goes a long way in breeding loyalty. Provide your customers with an opportunity to identify with you through a “community” that is exclusively your brand. In other words, provide them with a reason for them to put on your badge.
4. Connection-ability. Connecting well with your audience is also critical to your success in building brand loyalty. Learn to talk just like them or go ahead and teach them the way you would want them to speak about you. To achieve this, brand messages as well as tag lines are widely used. However, sometimes brands take on a fresh “language” that is audience-driven. Accept this and identify with it as long as this is in line with your brand identity.
5. Accessibility. This is similar to having a sense of belonging stated in point three above. People just want to be in a position where they can say I know the CEO of this company or the president of so and so company spoke with me yesterday. It involves having access to such people, which makes them feel like part of the business and consequently this leads to brand loyalty.
6. Make them feel special. Most likely the excellent way in building brand loyalty is in giving something back. Whenever a client has taken time out to be one of the people that likes you on Facebook or be one of your followers on Twitter, you should endeavor to make them feel not just good, but special. Exclusive samples, discounts or competitions should work wonders. Other ways this can be done is to provide them with inside information about what is currently happening at your business, or an opportunity to purchase a new product before any one else.
Lastly, brand loyalty goes beyond the product. Yes, although your product needs to perform well, better than its competitors there is more to this with respect to brand loyalty. In this regard, you should ask yourself questions like, why should consumers buy into your brand? Doing so and finding answers to such questions will bring about the loyalty that you seek.
Author Bio: William Taylor is the author to this article. He is a great businessman and always thinks to move upward from his position. For more information about his business please log on to his site.