Wear it sparingly. Don’t go to the office everyday with animal print. People will start to think you are a little too obsessed with either wanting to be an animal or wanting the animals dead so you can wear them.
Don’t go overboard. It’s easy to start feeling brave when you put on animal print. And then you start thinking that the more animal print you wear, the braver you are! False. You just look more tacky and scary. So keep it simple and don’t go crazy.
Accessorize. Animal print makes for some great accessories. Scarves, shoes, purses, bracelets, these are all great ways in which to incorporate animal print into your outfit. Plus, it adds to your outfit, rather than takes away. So buy that cheetah scarf and wear it with pride.
Don’t mix animal prints. Never ever ever ever decide that it’s a good idea to wear the entire animal kingdom. If you have multiple accessories in different animal prints, don’t wear them together. If you have cheetah ballet flats, don’t wear any other animal print unless it is a small accessory that is also cheetah.